1. Be more responsible with my money.
When I enter a store such as say, Anthropologie for example, I can go a little loopy. I've really been learning lately that what i buy now may effect my checkbook negatively later! I want to budget better and have a little more "cushion" just in case of emergencies and the like. It's amazing how the little things that you buy may seem little, but THEY ALL ADD UP!!! ha ha.
2. Learn at least ONE song on my ukelele and publish it on YouTube.
My boyfriend bought me this little beauty this past valentine's day and I have yet to learn how to play song that's already been written. I have written my own song, (Which is also needing to go up on YouTube) but nothing other people would know offhand. I think doing this would lubricate my rusty musical creativity hinges, get the door swingin'! ;)
3. Chalkboard paint more things.

This goes hand in hand with being more creative in general with everything, esp. my apartment. I want to save up for a instant camera, probably a Fujifilm instax mini 25, (That is, if I don't get it for my birthday this week) and use it in everything, from sticking it in my journal to making collages! I want to blackboard chalk more things and hang them in my apartment, enjoy making things out of my usual realm of thinking, cooking things from scratch!! So many possibilities rolled into one goal.
4.Not to quote "Zombieland" or anything but...Enjoy the little things.
It's so easy to let life get you down and make you focus on only the negative things. I want to make sure to enjoy the small things in life every day because life scoots on by faster than you can say "summer is here" and before you know it... it's fall!! I want to learn to love my life and all that God offers me on a daily basis. Basically...I want to love myself more. A certain confidence develops when you know who you are, and what you are living for. I'm going to enjoy all the small things in this world that others may just pass by, and miss entirely.
Oh and for an extra goal...i also want to make more blog posts, instead of only once a month. It's not enough, is it? :)
Well there you have it!! Be sure to try this activity out yourself! It may do wonders for us all! Thanks "A Beautiful Mess!"
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