Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas

I hope all of your Christmas' were fantastic! Mine was, I got to see my newest nephew, Judah, for the first time! Here he is, isn't he adorable!

Happy new year to you all! 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Be thankful

It's easier said than done, to be thankful, to be content. I'll be honest, I've been having a really rough time lately being content and thankful. Things in life have really been knocking me down lately at work and in life. I see photos of people that I once knew in high school or college with their cute families and still looking as skinny as I first met them (how is this possible??) and I look at my own life and I feel bleak. I'm not married, stressed all the time, and usually broke. (lol) I miss old friends, sometimes (more than I care to mention) wish I WAS them, living their lives. This is actually something I've struggled with for a good few years now, wishing I was someone else, someone who had it more together. Someone who has a career and family about them. But man! God wants me to feel free! To remember to be content in any circumstance, no matter how difficult. The disciples in the bible had nothing, and traveled all over in the name of Jesus, sometimes being abused for it and in the end, dying for it. In the face of thankfulness and peace, how can I not be content? So thats pretty much the key then: being thankful. I can look at others and live my life in regret and bitterness, or I can embrace myself for being myself, along with all my imperfections that for some reason, God loves about me. I could really cry about how hard it is sometimes, but while life is meant to be free and joyful, it's also a battle. The thing to remember though is that the battle is already won! If I have any unhappy or negative thoughts about myself or my life, I have to ask myself, who's making me think this? Is it God or satan? Ummmm 9 out of 10 times it's satan. (The stupid little bugger!) Don't believe the lies! You ARE worth it, you are where you are supposed to be, and you are blessed. This was kind of a soul-baring post for me…hope you take something from it, in lieu of our recent past holiday of Thanksgiving…which needs to be EVERYDAY, and will be everyday for me, no matter how hard it can be.

Happy (and I really do mean HAPPY) Holidays!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I FINALLY got a Macbook Pro, and I couldn't be happier. I just have to get used to typing on a real keyboard again! It also means that I able to blog easier and more frequently, something i've been dying to be able to do for quite some time. I also recently just moved to a new studio apartment in a vintage brick house, which I'm in love with. Until I completely move in and make it even more perfect and show you pictures, here is some "pin"spiration for my apartment. You can follow me here.

1: It's no secret that I love plants. This is a great way to arrange them.
2: I absolutely need and adore this rug.
3: This needs to be on my kitchen wall!
4: I love the natural light in this kitchen

Monday, September 16, 2013

Kinfolk Inspiration

So I know I was gonna post pics from my camping trip but I really wanted to post this first.
I was sitting in my living room, watching "Yes Man" when I knew I needed to go out on my porch. I picked up my latest copy of Kinfolk and headed out with my pipe and thoroughly enjoyed a good read. It is so perfect and beautiful out today, just the perfect blend of breeze, coolness and sunshine. I was thus inspired to write a post on things that can refresh you after a long workweek. I just worked a long weekend filled with doubles and poop everywhere (I am a NA/R in a nursing home) so I now have two days off with which I plan on much relaxing. Here's some inspiration for you if you need to mellow out and recharge. :)

1. Start your day off with a sunrise or end it with a sunset

The basic concept here is to connect with God's nature, admire and I love to sleep in until I naturally wake up so I catch the sunsets, but maybe you're a go-getter that loves an early adventure!

2. Go for a drive to an unknown destination 

Maybe you're a person who loves to plan... Just go somewhere and don't have an idea where you'll end up! Find someplace you've never been before. Who knows? It may end up being a new tradition to traverse back to that same spot.

3. Find a nearby farmers market and splurge

There are few things I love more than a farmers market. Get some fresh, organic food and make a fantastic dinner that night! Bonus: you're supporting local farmers.

4. Find a river or lake 

Little compares to the soothing nature of the sounds of a rippling river or the soft waves of water on a lakes shoreline. Just lay and listen or wade in. Feel the sand between your toes or the river rocks underneath your feet, the water swirling around your calves. Let the sun shine lightly on your face, the shadows of the trees dancing on your closed eyelids.

5. Pick some windflowers 

Put them in a mason jar on your kitchen table, or wind them in your hair. The season of flowers is going to quickly draw to a close soon...make the most of it!

6. Find and eat something new

I stepped into a Whole Foods for the first time the other day. I was in awe of all the things there and I had to try their French macarons and fresh gelato. I tried a raspberry, a passion fruit, and a pastachio macaron (pastachio was my favorite) and a scoop of lemon sorbet gelato. So yummy!

7. Rearrange or decorate your space

Finally, I enjoy rearranging and decorating my home. It definitely recharges me. Like this corner in my bedroom for example. I got this antique chair from a garage sale near my apartments for, get this: a buck! I brought it up three stories by myself and created a private place in my room to do my quiet times with God. With having a roommate it was essential i find my own personal place. I feel that everyone needs that one place in your home where you traditionally feel relaxed and at home so you can concentrate on connecting with God or just to connect with yourself!

There are so many things you can do, such as baking something, make bread from scratch, go get a coffee from a local coffee shop even if you can make it at home. But above all, just learn to enjoy the process and And be thankful.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Soon to come

More pics soon to come from our recent camping trip up north! 

Sorry it's been so long once again. They seem to have made improvements to the "Blogger" app on my iPhone so I shall try this mode for size. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy forth of July!!

Hope you all had a happy and safe 4th of July everyone! Jarod and I caught our very first fireworks show together. Enjoy watching the ending to it... and have a great rest of your night!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm back

 I'm back guys...and it's been a loooooong hiatus. My computer died and then all I had was my iPhone to try to do posts, which doesn't lay out the way I'd prefer. For now, until I get a new laptop my boyfriend is letting me borrow his iPad. Whattaguy! Please enjoy a few pictures from these past few weeks. I went to my grandparents cabin last week and enjoyed some relaxing (much needed) days. I took in God's creation with a big, grateful breath. Have a great rest of your week!!
1. The beautiful lake at my grandparents, fishing for Sunnies.
2. My lovely friend Katrina when she came to visit, playing with my polaroid.
3. Some photos taken at the grandmas goofy and funny! I love her.
4. The beginning of a new day-taken right before work at 6 am
5.  Sunset over the lake-God's beauty
6. A peacock at our pastor's farm, so beautiful.