Do you ever wonder if we take this life too seriously? I often catch my self freaking out or making a big fuss if something doesn't go my way or go just right. Like, if I'm planning on going somewhere and its changed last minute on me, or even something big changes in my life. I think I need to tell myself, "What's the big deal?" The circumstance might actually open up a different opportunity up that wouldn't have been open to me previously.
Maybe that's why I like "The Office" so much.
Laugh often. Life life to the fullest. As much as you can live at peace with people around you...don't argue. Even if you are right, if the person won't listen, what use is it to argue with them, other than to make yourself upset. Just shut your mouth and be satisfied to know that you are right.
Love others. Live selflessly. Put others before you. You really can't go wrong with these things. You feel better, and make others feel better. Killing with kindness really does work.
I'm so ready to relax this Fall, take in nature. The leaves change so fast. The colors are here and they're gone in the blink of an eye. I'm going to go on a walk, and come back in for a warm cup of cocoa. See ya.